Monday, November 21, 2011

Can someone please help identify what is wrong with this puppy without patronizing me via relationship advice?

My boyfriend's 5 month old husky has been weak and uncoordinated, especially in his hind legs for the past 12 hours.

Yesterday he was fatigued but not weak or uncoordinated. He woke up without an appetite, drank a lot of water, and vomited it back up within 10 minutes. I called my vet and after feeding him small portions of boiled chicken and rice alternated with small portions of water throughout the day, the vomiting stopped yesterday afternoon, and his appetite returned.

But today when he woke up he was weak and had a hard time standing after first waking up. Since then, he has improved but frequently loses his balance.

I am posting here because I am hoping someone who has had experience with these specific symptoms will be able to help identify what may be wrong. My car is in the shop and my boyfriend is planning on waiting until Tuesday to go to the vet because he thinks the dog is over the hump. If you think this is an emergency, I agree, but it's not what I asked. Thank you.Can someone please help identify what is wrong with this puppy without patronizing me via relationship advice?
Let's start at the beginning. Is he up to date on his vaccinations? I ask only because if he is then it rules out distemper, hepatitis, leptosporosis, parvovirus and parainfluenza.

With the assumption that he is up to date, when he goes to the bathroom - is his urine a dark yellow or is it really watery (if you can't tell while he's urinating - slip a bowl or piece of tupperware under him while he pees so you can check). The reason I ask this is that is you take away his water over night then in the morning his urine should be a dark yellow - if it's not then that is indicative of kidney failure.

The vomiting makes me think that liver failure is not the issue.

You say he has a hard time standing after waking up - do you find that he is in general ataxic (wobbly when he walks)?

My prime thoughts if he is vaccinated are wobblers, worms, vertebral injury, or even vestibular disease. If he is not vaccinated - distemper or parvo are possibilities.

Obviously, no matter what, you need to get him to a vet as soon as you can, and just keep in contact with your vet to keep him apprised of the situation until you can get there. Keep feeding small amounts of bland foods and make sure he isn't left alone if their are stairs in the house. It would be tragic for him to lose his balance on or near stairs!

Good Luck.Can someone please help identify what is wrong with this puppy without patronizing me via relationship advice?
It's either parvovirus or distemper. Similar symptoms but what bothers me is the neurological issues. Either way, that puppy will be dead by Tuesday if you wait.

I'm sorry, dont mean to be harsh. Please get puppy to the vet, even if it's the emergency vet. You seem like a caring person and you would feel horrible if the poor pupster died.
Your dog could either have a nuerological problem or a back injury (IVDD). Lack of balance sounds more like a nuerological problem. These are definetely emergancy situations. A lot of times the vet can do a simple exam and let you know what the problem is. Good Luck
My older dog began showing these symptoms. The vet placed him on a bland diet (just as yours did). The symptoms abated for awhile then returned. It turned out his liver was failing. By the time he got back to the vet there was nothing to be done. Get him to the vet as soon as possible and explain that the symptoms keep returning.
ok well you are stupid for asking people what is wrong it sounds like the dog could be poisoned and should be rushed to the nearest animal hospital, and you're an idiot for saying that it's an emergency and not doing anything about it, like rushing it to the vet instead of calling.
Yes, it sounds like an emergency and I would take him to the vet today. It sounds like what a co worker of mines dog got, can't remember the name, but if not treated in time, the dog could die. GET him to a VET today, at any cost. How many series of his puppy shots has he left to take?
check the dog for ticks. if you find one remove and put it in a zip lock bag. it sounds like it could be lyme disease. without seing the dog it is hard to say. what other symptoms.

is he too warm. dogs can get heat stroke/exhaustion.

did he get overheated before he started to show signs of illness.

please update and let me know how he is doing.

good luck
You already know the is an emergency..HOWEVER...check the dog's ears...sometimes inbalance (as with humans) can be because of severe ear infection.

Other than that, I can't help you. As you know, you really need a vet and I anm NOT trying to patronize you.
first watch him if its his legs its most likely that he got hit or stomped on. make sure he hasnt been around horses and for the vomiting i would say worms or hes just sick and cant sleep at night srry this is all i got.
this can be a LIFE THREATENING disease!!!!!

I hope you understand and GET THAT DOG TO A VET.

Call a friend, call a family member.

If the dog dies it will be your fault! It HAS to get to the vet FAST.
He could have heat stroke? Could be a spinal injury....there are quite a few possibilities....has the vet actually looked at ur dog?

If you think it could be heat stroke give him a cold bath and keep him cool.

Good Luck!

Rent a car? Call the vet and see if they have like a pet ambulance?
Parvo, get puppy to vet.
might be rabies
Could be tick paralysis. If so, it can be fatal. And it's the season where ticks are beginning to get bad.

He may have been poisoned, or bitten by a snake. (have you felt all over him for knots, bumps or lesions?)

Could he have been injured some other way? (hit by a car, kicked by a nasty kid?) Does his back seem painful when you put pressure on it? (he might yelp or nip at you.)

I can't think of a whole lot of illnesses that cause spinal symptoms in a young puppy. Sounds more like injury to me. But only the vet can tell you for sure.
My suggestion to you is to get your pup to the vet and not listen to what anyone on here has to say except the ones that say to get it to a vet. You are going to get a whole variety of different answers and truth be told most likely not a single one of us is a vet and definately not a single one of us has seen the pup except you (unless you have friends on here answering this) we can't really tell you what it is, your best bet is your vet, that is where he\she has been trained and whatever it is doesn't sound good. I had a german shepard\husky mix that I had to put down because of liver failure (or kidney...I don't remember which) she had gotten really really thin and it was hard for her to walk. The reason I can remember what it was is because I was very upset. When I went in they checked her and came out and told me what the problem was and then told me that they were going to have to euthinize her (however you spell it) I was so point something now, while you can!
  • rimmel
  • 1 comment:

    Unknown said...


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