Saturday, August 21, 2010

2 leos and an aries love triangle.. need Karma/relationship advice!!?

Hi yahoo friends. I need an outsiders opinion..

Ive been dating this man for about 3 years on and off Im 22, hes 34.. we met at a bar when i was 19.. we never became exclusive since he was going to move to Las Vegas- which he did a year ago... for a while we just had weekly 'encounters' and he would come to my condo, occasionally we would go out, but it was mostly a physical relationship, and still is. I thought after he moved he would forget about me. but it actually brought us closer. however we're still hesitant to take it to the next level since I want to finish school, and have a lot I want to accomplish before I run off and play house

In attempt to move on last year i met a guy my age and we really had a connection. unlike late night rondevues with luke this other guy, joe, and i had a something pure, something innocent budding. but we drifted apart, and Luke came back into my life.

I dont talk to Joe much at all, and we never really got to an emotional level, but I think about him every day and really miss him-

part of me feels guilty for continuing to see Luke when Joe is really the one on my mind.

dillema: do i tell them both how i feel at risk of loosing luke and scarring joe off forever?

ps they are both Leos. im an Aries..2 leos and an aries love triangle.. need Karma/relationship advice!!?
i did a tarot spread in celtic cross version and came up with this answer for you the one you should leave in the past is the older male for her is in your past card placement i see if you go this route you will be unappy, also expressed in the cards is that you will end up picking one as represented with the 5 of cups being 3 broken glasses 2 still remain that means you will experiance a loss with one of them and it indicates the man in the past placement i assigned this with the older leo adult because he came up as a capricorn card capricorns not fully evolved are known for commitment issues and this would signify this man for me. Also i see it being a good thing to pick the younger guy you feel a bond with him and he is ment for you it will all work out in the end but the younger guy is your best option.

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