Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Will my ex ever love me again? relationship advice please!?

this is a bit long sorry... ok well.. my boyfriend dumped me like a month ago but I still can't get over him. It's really weird because he was like really in love with me and then he just stopped, and he has started hanging out with this guy who didn't like me because I'm not popular, and since he has been hanging out with him he dumped me. He has also ditched his other less popular friends, and is still hanging out with this guy and acting all arrogant and up-himself, but he still talks to me on msn and txting, but then he ignores me when hes with his friend, its like hes trying to be popular or something, he used to never care what people thought but know he does, I don't know if it's just a phase or what, but it's really crushing me, and I really miss him, my friends think he still likes me because he still like smiles and laughs with me on webcam and he talks to me heaps online, but I don't know, Do you think he will ever love me again? What can I do to get him back? Please help, Thanks heaps, xxx.Will my ex ever love me again? relationship advice please!?
Yeah love hurts. OK Millie about all you can do is keep on talking to him online and hope that in time he will start talking to you in real life once he gets over this jerk that he has met. Don't try to pressure him in anyway like asking him if he still loves you or stuff like that cos then he is likely to withdraw from you , just try to be friendly but not demanding or clingy and keep hanging out with your other friends so that you have support , don't become a loner.

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