Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is my bf itching to leave our relationship? ADVICE PLEASE!?

My bf is 22, im 20 and weve been together for almost 9 months.

I love him with all my heart and I want the best for him and support his decisions.

He's been working very diligently to finish college by this fall and Im proud of his academic achievements and extra curricular activities which he attributes to my motivated attitude.

The only thing I have difficulty with (as selfish as this sounds) is I really dont want him to leave me and I feel like his mentioning of these abroad trips make do not make me feel included in his future. He's really expressed interest in a missions trip to Africa with a club on campus (he never really mentioned it to me, possibly to avoid me coming along). After college, which hes more than ready to leave, he says he wants to either join Peace Corps or an international teaching program (even though he originally wanted to get his Masters Degree at the college we attend).

I have a hard time sharing these opinions to him because I never want to be the clingy girl and to counter that I end up appearing too busy for him (wont call/initiate plans) so he doesnt lose interest in me.

How does one find a medium? Also, do you think his mentioning of all these plans is to suggest to me that I will not be apart of them?

Thank you for your help. It means alot to me.Is my bf itching to leave our relationship? ADVICE PLEASE!?
WOW that is ... amazing

alright here we go

number one u should tell him wat u told us

number two he might be trying to see if you would stay with him or leave him

i know it is crazy but i have dun it a few times just to make sure about a persons real feelings for me it was stupid and actually backfired on me a couple of times but hey they finally understood wat i was trying to do

this could be wat he is trying to do

whatever happens i wish u good luck and a long lifeIs my bf itching to leave our relationship? ADVICE PLEASE!?
If you want to keep him interested in you, next time you are in bed together flip him over onto his back so you are riding him and then moan like a whore.
dont become a stalker
If one of you do not like the relationship, then move on. Why be with someone if they don't want to be with you :P

*Didn't read the story, just sayin by ur main question*

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