Saturday, July 31, 2010

Relationship issues, advice?

I've been going out with my current girlfriend for a little over 5 months now, and I love the hell out of her. That's not the problem though. The problem I face is that almost every night before I fall asleep, she isn't the last person I think about.

It's my ex that keeps popping into my head before I fall asleep. My ex and I were together for a year and a few months until she left me for some other guy who just used her for sex (like I warned her he would.) My ex and I don't talk anymore. I don't have a chance at getting back together with her, and that's fine, I know I shouldn't be in a relationship like that, and I don't really want to be. But for whatever reason, I'm still not over her.

There was almost 3 months between when I dated my ex and when I got together with my current girlfriend.

What can I do to get over my ex so that I can give 100% to the relationship I'm in now?

And should I tell my current girlfriend about all this ridiculous drama?

Thank you in advance.Relationship issues, advice?
Don't tell your current girlfriend about this drama - it will only complicate your situation. Besides, you are not doing anything wrong, so don't give her the idea that you ARE doing something wrong. Right now your current girlfriend is on your side, and your ex is on the neutral side. The last thing you want is for your girlfriend to walk over to the neutral side. As for forgetting your ex, I am no expert on it, you should wait for someone else's answer. But I really think you need some closure; why do you only think about her before falling asleep? Did you spend a lot of nights with her or something? UHhh, haha, OK i'll just let someone else answer this part.Relationship issues, advice?
dont tell your current girlfriend. But try your absolute hardest to get her out of your head.
Don't tell your g/f squat. You have some unresolved emotions about your ex. You need to not only get over her, but to fall out of love with her. I did that by focusing my life into a different direction with new people. I am human, so I do think about my ex g/f, but I do with a sigh of relief that I did not marry her. Find a rock that you can throw, put your ex's name on it, take it to the ocean and cast it as it sinks to the bottom. Breathe in the ocean air with a sigh of relief. Now go make passionate love to your girlfriend 110%. Make the earth move for her.

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