A few days later he said he wasn't ready for a serious relationship but that he still loved me. That he just didn't want to date anyone. But since we've broken up he has been flirting and talking to other girls.
On the 4th of July, I was standing with my friends at the end of my street and he randomly appeared, stepping out of his friend's car. He said he was passing by and saw us standing outside.
I walked away, because I was freaked out. Which I now realize was really immature. But he said he texted me after saying 'Thanks that was real nice of you..' and that he was excited to see me but mad I didn't bother to say hi
When we first broke up he kept me first on his top friends and said he didn't want to lose me and that he wanted to remain bestfriends. After a while though he took me off his top completely because i 'never talked to him'
now every few days he'll text me casually, what's up with that?
I don't know if I should just stop talking to him completely or what, because he is really confusing. it's just our relationship was so perfect that it's really hard to just forget about because I actually do love him.
I think he's just scared of commitment because I've been his only serious girlfriend. Should I wait around for him? or move on and maybe later give him a second chance?
I reall appreciate any advice, so thanks in advanceWould you please give me some relationship advice?
Move on. Let him go. He's just not that into you if he doesn't wanna be in a serious relationship.
Don't wait for him! what are you waiting for?! he broke up with you! Let him go. You deserve better! I know its hard but trust me hes not worth it.
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