Long story short I threw a small party at my flat tonight.
I turned around to see a new friend of mine (she works with me at a casual job and is going overseas in 2 weeks) standing with MY BOYFRIENDS face in her boobs.
Now, ive been with my boyfriend for 15months and he and I are very close. We also hold boob touching in very high regard , its our thing - and its on the no,no list along with anytype of intimate touching with the other sex.
I then saw him helping my drunk friend who was vomiting. He was holding her hand which is ok I guess, but then I noticed their fingers were interlocked.
None of them have met before tonight.
What should I make of this. He has never done this before and I dont want to leave him but I told him he hurt me and he fobbed me off - likely because he is intoxicated.
The sad thing is Im now on Yahoo answes at 1 am asking you randoms what you think. I am so confused.
Tell me what you think.
Im really hurt.
WHAT TO DO???!!!! i need relationship advice im distraught please help me?
You need to talk to him when he sobers up. He'll probably have something more to say. If he respects you he'll apologize and you can work it out. WHAT TO DO???!!!! i need relationship advice im distraught please help me?
it always seems like girls are making a big deal over stuff guys do and they dont get why. well to us girls we see the little things that they dont. (like the hand holding) now i dont know about the boobs in the face and all but maybe you should talk to him and make sure he clearly gets that you dont appreciate/approve of that.
...but wait till he's sobered up.
You most definately need to talk to him when he is sober. Not when he is drunk. He may not have even realized what he was doing since he wasnt in the right state of mind, but then that still isnt an excuse. Plz plz plz dont put up with a guy like that....but its all up to you. I know what can happen and how much crap you can forgive a guy for if you really love him...
talk to them
answer mine:
Wait till he is sober and then talk to him.
Ask him what the hell he was thinking doing that to you?Only stay calm and do it in the nicest way possible.
Ask him if this is some kind of new thing that you need to worry about when he gets intoxicated.
Dont take drunkness as an excuse - please dont be so stupid.
You have been dating for just over a year, I know it seems long, but you need to think for yourself if you will ever be able to trust him again, what is going to happen when you are not around?
Talk to him, maybe you can sort things out, but if the trust is gone - there is no point.
First reaction: It's in him, it's in him. And if it's in him one day it's gonna get out.
Sorry (can you guess?) I've been stung a lot and since these are the only signs you often get of someone's character, and talking rarely helps unless you're really good at catching people out, i'm wary. So wary these days.
If I were you i'd talk to him because it's the right thing to do but at the same time i'd find a way to balance out for myself whether the good things are worth the possible 'side effects' of staying together against the definite gut wrenching involved in taking (possibly rash) evasive action now.
How strong a sign of your displeasure do you want to give him?
Maybe breaking up for a bit now might be a positive thing for your future if you make him chase you abit?
Of course, the thing to do is wait till he's sober... but i'd want to ask him now if he's ever done this kind of thing to you before just to see what he would say. Resist deep decisions now though... wait till he's sober for that...
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